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STOP THE PRESSES! (or, better yet, restart them)
Your voice has been heard. has been contacted by HarperCollins the publisher of the very book that prompted the creation of this web site to alert us to the fact that they have published a re-proofed edition. Our review of the re-proof is here.

Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry
Perennial Classics 2000
Harper Collins Publishers
ix "not jut of himself but of a phase of history"just
14 "then took a short cut through a wide clearing in the woods evidently being laid out as a botanical gardens"[number]
16 "he lit a new cigarette form the one he'd been smoking"from
22 "but he waiter ... refused to serve them"the
54 "his feet barley touching the ground"barely
71 "pouring himself from the sinister bottle of half-tumblerful of his mixture"a
72 "She was sitting on the parapet gazing over the valley with ever semblance of interested enjoyment"every
93 "he'd meant to pur the whiskey"pour
118 "Then you don't know whether y ou have divorced him or not"you
131 "Do not be soo foolish as to imagine you have no object."so
157 "Better too let them have their way"to
158 "they had halted by a church from whose sooty wall a figure of Christ on the cross had been removed leading only the scar and the legend"leaving
158 "how could he expect to see anything so revolutionary as a hot dog in Oxford Street? He might as well try ice cream at the South Pole." sell and on
160 "High inclined his ear to the pulse of this world beating in that latticed throat"Hugh
161 "and his numorous instruments declined with his books in basements or attics in London or Paris"numerous
161 "there was nothing but the blank untumultous face of the songless lyre itself"untumultuous
162 "almost before his aunt knew that was afoot he was leaving school on the strength of it"what
163 "Garston became Hugh's aunt moved from London north to Oswaldtwistle in the spring"because
163 "that of the youth who imagined himself a cross between Gix Beiderbecke"Bix
168 "All the more surprising then was it form him to discovery it his duty each day to heave vast quantities of this miraculous food over the side."for and discover
175 "Hugh hadn't waited to discover whether the journalist who came aboard at Silvertown like to play his songs in his spare time."liked
191 "It occurred to High that the poor old chap might be"Hugh
191 "While that had given rise to all these reflections was doubtless only the photograph on the wall both were now studying"what
197 "You my have learned about Guelphs and so on"may
197 "or the essence of some guilty secret perhaps that he kept under the hat but which was not momentarily exposed"now
212 "since it's has last day"his
286 "and a gust of wind raced through the treees"trees
295 "he had himse;f"himself
311 "But in Newcastle, Deleware"Delaware
313 "all spend the night in Sana Ana Chiautempan"Santa
342 "Piling black clouds swallowed the stars to th north and east"the
350 "Drawing long signs of icy relief"sighs
353 "Why have I ruined myself in this wilful manner"willful
stet, thanks to codeman 38
359 "Who ideed"indeed
366 "on tope of everything else"top
366 "it was if"It [case]
375 "a man sitting at the bar next [] him wearing a dirty"to
378 "Fifth squadron of the French Foreign Leion"Legion
388 "No se pude vivir sin amar"puede

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