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This is the HarperPerennial ModernClassics corrected edition.
You may purchase it here: Under the Volcano.

Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry
Harper Collins Publishers
24 ...a steep broken circuitous path that would round behind me zócalo.the [perhaps "would" should be "wound"]
48 ...pointed once more to the advertisement - next [ ] it she noticed one for the local
69 And old woman with a face of a highly intellectual black gnome...An
366 S. Nicolas de Beri, S. Ambrosio...Bari [also "Nicolás" is most correct]
375 Someone was sitting next[ ] him with his back half turned who also seemed
396 His spies were more ubiquitous that Díaz's, his methods worse.than though the part of his mind that knew all this essentially a burlesque of a great and generous man once his friend knew also how hollow the satisfaction afforded him by the performance.The clause "essentially a burlesque of a great and generous man once his friend" might have been isolated by hyphens or commas for readability's sake; the way it's presented is a run-on sentence.
Thank you to guest proofreader A. Layne!

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Horizontal rule.