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Summerland by Michael Chabon
50The little chief rubbed slowly at [ ] chin with one timy brown hand.his
69It was just a story ALbert Rideout was telling, as they put a final coat of paint of the cement floor of the workshop...on
85A young man with longish hair was standing behind the car.[No car has been previously referenced at this location.]
85 & 127His hair, swept back behind his ears, was so blond that it was white. [p. 85]

The young man with the briefcase and long brown hair had come to the island again... [p. 127]

167"Isn't there anything you can do?" Ethan said [ ] settle the wager between Ethan Feld and the Mooseknuckle John.[ ]
211He saw that [ ] was sprawled on a kind of crow's nest of observation platform...he
212They trailed in a ten-mile train thundering train...[ ]
242...could scamper anywhere, as long [ ] there was a way
254He crouched down, and put his shoulder against it, and pressed with and all his strength.[ ]
270...and lie beside down them to stroke their forearms...down beside
275...his voice had taken on a edge of bitterness or
279Thor was studying Grim the Giant now with [ ] expression that showed traces of the bity that Ethan had been
287But to Ethan it looked and felt like nothing so much as [ ] long, jumping spark of electricity.a
293...staring off into shoadows as if seeing in [ ] the faces of her long-dead chidren.them
308If Coyote walked in here right now and told you [ ] could stop, you'd keep on swing himself right out [ ] his shoes...of
366 & 374...a few even have permanent personal bodyguards living on the premises. But only one house ... employs every one of the security measures I have described, all at once. [p. 366]

They knew from their search of the house that this was the only one ... that showed any signs of human habitation. [p. 374]

373I couldn't do it [ ] the car
384Jennifer [ ] stood up an dstarted rummaging around in the dark...T.
388The Knife was neither especially long, or pointed.nor
388The blade dug a little ways into the meat of [ ] handle...the
402They sent the Tall Man with the Axe up into [ ] hills to fell the trees for the great raft...the
403...picking his teeth with [ ] tip of his Bowie knife...the
404But the Man just went on picking [ ] big horsetteth and looking down at Ethan...his
413"Let's go!" Jennifer T. [ ] "The sooner you get us there, the sooner I let go of your tooth."said
434...because I have already have everything else.[ ]
435There was [ ] low, whimpering moan from inside the cage.a
435The hose played out in silken ripples from the some great spool...[ ]
459Cutbelly slathered in onto [ ] palm of Ethan's hand with a quick paw.the
486...they spent a few days here, resting and watching...there

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