Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
Back Bay Books |
499 | appear above the the waist of his white pants. | [ ] |
717 | ...on the amonymous streets of N. Cambridge and Somerville... | anonymous [perhaps intended as character's "voice"] |
761 | 'Don't ask. I'll starting whingeing. | start |
852 | appear above the the waist of his white pants. | [ ] |
854 | ...this would make it some sort [ ] calculus thing. | of |
857 | ...probably didn't have to much to go on besides your gut-type intuitions. | too |
942 | 'Don't even think about putting that thing down anywhere [ ] my bed...' | near |
973 | The truth will you set you free... | [ ] |
82 + 988 | ...DUE TO LITIGATION BY 196os US CONCEPTUAL... | 1960s [typographical error] |
990 | Typographical | [spacing/kerning: thoughout novel spacing between italics is substituted with a superscripted numeral one, and after last italic is missing entirely] |
1058 | metaphysical environment and pschohistorical locus and geatalt. | gestalt |
1076 | ...according to his sudoriferous and and agora-compulsive younger brother... | [ ] |