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Gomorrah by Roberto Saviano translated by Virginia Jewiss
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Several archaic/non-formal/literal Italian/stilted translation "in consort with" in lieu of corporate partnership; "semester" in lieu of tax year; "circa" in lieu of about; "alimentary" in lieu of food; and many more
6...the camel that has to pass through it are the
62The second tier... actually handle the drugs, do the purchasing and packaging, and manage relations....handles the drugs, does the purchasing and packaging, and manages
109...and they l ooked at them...looked
110...he was hiding in a hole... he doesn't try to escape... he walks down the stairs... Text[continuity or translation error]
191 chil-dren children
192 Ca-salese Casalese
201 con-tinued continued
219 ce-ment cement
231Carinola, Casal di Principe, Casapesenna, Castelvoltuno, Cesa, Frignano, Grazzanise, Lusciano, Mondragone, Pignataro Magiore, Recale, San Cipriano, Santa Maria la Fossa, San Tammaro, Teverola, Villa di BrianoSan Tammaro, Santa Maria la Fossa
257...preferred to pass his time 257 TextCorection
274 Zampa-riello Zampariello
279/280 In a land where truth is considered to be what gets you something and lying what makes you lose, living as if you actually believe truth can exist is incomprehensible.[In a land where lying is considered to be what gets you something and truth what makes you lose]
298 Two pillows under their butts so as to reach the pedals [Sitting on pillows would move them away from the pedals (but allow them to see out the windshield).]

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Horizontal rule.